Cruises Newsletter - March/April 2023

1.    PortOasis Live Experience
Colombia is the country with the highest number of identified bird species—over 1900—in the world.   
Cruise passengers arriving at the Cartagena Cruise Terminal will not only have the opportunity to see over 50 different species of birds flying around the area, but they will also take part in an informational presentation showing the flight of some of the birds.
This presentation will also showcase mammals such as howler monkeys, marmoset monkeys, capuchin monkeys, squirrels, and sloths.  In addition, participants will receive information about projects aimed at the rehabilitation of rescued species as well as the preservation and conservation of some endangered species.

2.     We took part in the Seatrade Cruises 

The Cartagena Cruise Terminal participated in Seatrade Cruise Global, the largest cruise industry meeting in the world. This event has been held for 36 years, bringing a total of more than 10,000 attendees together, including high-level cruise line executives, thought leaders, and industry innovators. It was announced that the 2024 edition of this meeting will once again be held in Miami. This event provided an opportunity to continue highlighting Cartagena as a great cruise destination, as well as to showcase the city’s highly efficient terminal, which offers exclusive attractions for tourists. 

3.    Colombian export stamp 
In “Casa cruceros,” our store selling emblematic Colombian products, visitors can find typical Colombia handicrafts, with a balance between quality and price. Here, we are showcasing the “vueltiao hat,” which is one of the best known Colombian handicrafts in the world. It comes from the Caribbean region, from the savannahs of Cordoba and Sucre, and it is a cultural icon that fills Colombians with pride. Learn all about one of the most important indigenous symbols in Colombia:


4.    AMA Magdalena River Cruise 
Despite being Colombia’s main river artery, the Magdalena River is known worldwide for being the protagonist of one of the most celebrated works of Colombian literature written by Nobel Prize winner Gabriel García Márquez, Love in the Time of Cholera. Starting in 2024, the general public will have the opportunity to set off on the same journey of love experienced by the novel’s most endearing characters, Florentino Ariza and Fermina Daza.
The AmaWaterways cruise line will operate two luxury cruises called AmaMagdalena and AmaMelodia, which will offer cruise experiences on the Magdalena River with accommodation and panoramic views.  The first will set sail on March 30, 2024, and the second on June 19, 2024. Both will sail through Cartagena, Barranquilla, Mompox, El Banco, Calamar, Magangué, Santa Barbara de Pinto, Nueva Venecia, and Palenque.


 Arrivals to port: 27

 Passengers: 49,167

 Crew members: 22,351

 Visitors: 75,518

Contact Lines

Cartagena de Indias

Sociedad Portuaria Regional de Cartagena (SPRC)

  • 605 660 7781

Terminal de Contenedores de Cartagena S.A. (Contecar)

  • 605 657 1750
  • Fax: 605 667 2995

Customer service and judicial notifications

  • 605 650 2251

Transparent contact

Transparent contact line

  • Report improper acts of officials or contractors
  • 605 660 7781 - 605 657 1750
  • Link to report

Attention offices

  • Sociedad Portuaria Regional de Cartagena (SPRC) - Manga Maritime Terminal
  • Terminal de Contenedores de Cartagena S.A. (Contecar) - Mamonal KM. 1

Hours of operation

  • Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 18:00 continuous day 18:00 - 22:00 additional day (only attended by cell phone 312 623 1735)
  • Saturdays from 8:00 to 13:00 continuous shift 13:00 - 16:00 additional shift (only attended by cell phone 312 623 1735)
  • Sundays and holidays 8:00 to 12:00 via cell phone 312-6231735

Sales Team

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