
Petitions, complaints, or claims (PQR) and requests for public information

PBX Customer Service: (5) 650-2251

PBX Customer Service: (5) 650-2251
If you did not find an answer to your concern on the Port of Cartagena Group website or you have questions/requests, complaints, or claims related to the provision of port services, please fill out the following form.
It is very important for the Port of Cartagena Group to have a record of your information. In order to ensure we can properly attend your requests and avoid inconveniences in the provision of information to third parties, you must provide the following information:

Check the Port of Cartagena Group’s Data Protection Policies.
*The response associated with this request is free of charge and will be answered within a maximum of 1 hour for petitions and 24 hours for other requests.


Formulario web actualizado
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Número documento  
Correo electrónico  
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Número de teléfono  
ID Compañia solicitante  
Nombre Compañía solicitante  
Tipo de caso   
Tipo carga   
Adjunto    Adjuntar archivos
Cada archivo puede tener hasta 20 MB de tamaño.
Acepto términos y condiciones    Términos y condición
Canal Form   
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Contact Lines

Cartagena de Indias

Sociedad Portuaria Regional de Cartagena (SPRC)

  • 605 660 7781

Terminal de Contenedores de Cartagena S.A. (Contecar)

  • 605 657 1750
  • Fax: 605 667 2995

Customer service and judicial notifications

  • 605 650 2251

Transparent contact

Transparent contact line

  • Report improper acts of officials or contractors
  • 605 660 7781 - 605 657 1750
  • Link to report

Attention offices

  • Sociedad Portuaria Regional de Cartagena (SPRC) - Manga Maritime Terminal
  • Terminal de Contenedores de Cartagena S.A. (Contecar) - Mamonal KM. 1

Hours of operation

  • Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 18:00 continuous day 18:00 - 22:00 additional day (only attended by cell phone 312 623 1735)
  • Saturdays from 8:00 to 13:00 continuous shift 13:00 - 16:00 additional shift (only attended by cell phone 312 623 1735)
  • Sundays and holidays 8:00 to 12:00 via cell phone 312-6231735

Sales Team

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