Payment process

As a result of processes being simplified and integrated, payments to the Port of Cartagena Group can now be made online—through SPRCOnline- or at different banking institutions. Find the information you need for your transactions here.

SPRCOnline payments

The organization has enabled the PSE online payment system, where you can make your payments in the following section SPRCOnline on our website. Once registered, you will be able to see the invoices you wish to pay.

Img Procesos de pago

Online payment via authorized banks (Do not use images here, just text)


Payments must be made in cash or online with a cashier's check, presenting the original invoice or a copy with logo.

Invoices that are overdue and have interest in arrears greater than $2,000 COP will be required to be paid.

Please refrain from using the following means of payment:

  • Bank transfer (in person), using the account payment form or cheque slot.
  • Electronic transfer of funds for transfers, payment to suppliers, or via SEBRA.

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